Friday, June 15, 2007


To many excuses this time around.
After the surgery, the chemo directly following that was a rough one! but made it through it in time to participate in the relay for life! Did the survivors lap and was inspired by the number of walkers and the years they were announced to have been cancer free! Next year I expect to have a number attached to my name! The great girls I work with had a whole team entered in the rlay and looked like they were in for a great night of fun and food!

This week I "graduated" as I had my last chemo treatment for the breast cancer. I go for my markings, "tatoos" for the radiation on JUne 26th and will officially start the next part of the journey at that time. I am scheduled to started bladder cancer treatments on July 12th. So shaping up to be an interesting summer indeed! (NOT)

I am going to make my follow up appointment with my surgeon and will be getting my name on a list for plastic surgery soon, that is very exciting and hope the wait is not too awful long as I would like to get back to work as early as Oct- Nov.

Have finally resolved some of my financial woes and looks like my disability cheques are now finally being deposited. YEAH!! was not much fun in April or May!

Hope to be going up to visit some friends in Walkerton before the start of the next round of treatment, more just to get away for a bit and maybe have a laugh or too.

My hair was staring to grow in but now has started to fall out again! Whats up with that??? maybe it is just the peach fuzz leaving and the real hair will now grow???
Taking it one day at a time
till next time