Monday, October 1, 2007

broken water heater!

of all things! Filled the tub, it was a murky yellow and only got about 2 inches before the water turned cold!!! had to heat up water to have a bath! New one coming tomorrow!

Went to see the surgeon today for follow up after having the port a cath removed. Other than a second scarring from the tapes used all is well. We talked a bit about further surgery. Originally I wanted my reconstruction ASAP, now I am starting to waver and think why not just have the other one off and be done with it. I think it is mostly fear of getting cancer in the other breast that is swaying my decision. Will be thinking long and hard about it and if I have any readers left you will likely get sick of hearing about it as I am not going to be making a snap decision.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Must forgive chemo / radiation brain!!

for ages I have not been able to remember my sign in for this dang blog!
Quick update!
- my hair is growing, salt and pepper but very thick and a bit curly! Actually I kind of like it!

-finished chemo at the end of June and started radiation 3 weeks later.

- Dr was VERY aggressive with the radiation- that's ok- I approve of all things that will cure me.

-major radiation burns, started week 3 and continued until finished Sept 1st! 6 1/2 weeks in total! Most people if they get boosts, apparently get 4-5, I got 8!! Lived braless for 6 weeks and went through so many tubes of flamazine that the pharmacy thought I was selling it on the black market LOL. The last area of my skin closed and stopped draining Sept 20th. Have a couple scare like areas from the burns but hopefully they will fade in time.

-3 of the best friends in the world surprised me by paying for a trip to Vegas!! We left Sept 16th, which as it turned out was in hindsight a little soon for me and I was exhausted, but it was still wonderful to get away and I was smart enough to rest a lot in my room. Not my usual Vegas vacation but fun none the less!

-Orignianlly I wanted to have reconstruction ASAP!!!, I have now realized that I am not as strong as I wish myself to be and that it will take some time to return to "normal" and am no content to wait for however long it takes before I face anything so major!

-just before we left for Vegas I had to have a repeat cystoscopy (done every 3 months) and the bladder remains clear from cancer tumors!!

-on returning from Vegas I had my port- a - cath out and that made me feel like I was at the end of the hideous journey and can now just concentrate on rest and relaxation in preparation for my return to the REAL world!!

- will do my best to keep you informed but will be very mundane, guess what I am gardening again type of entry!! looking forward to just being healthy!

Friday, June 15, 2007


To many excuses this time around.
After the surgery, the chemo directly following that was a rough one! but made it through it in time to participate in the relay for life! Did the survivors lap and was inspired by the number of walkers and the years they were announced to have been cancer free! Next year I expect to have a number attached to my name! The great girls I work with had a whole team entered in the rlay and looked like they were in for a great night of fun and food!

This week I "graduated" as I had my last chemo treatment for the breast cancer. I go for my markings, "tatoos" for the radiation on JUne 26th and will officially start the next part of the journey at that time. I am scheduled to started bladder cancer treatments on July 12th. So shaping up to be an interesting summer indeed! (NOT)

I am going to make my follow up appointment with my surgeon and will be getting my name on a list for plastic surgery soon, that is very exciting and hope the wait is not too awful long as I would like to get back to work as early as Oct- Nov.

Have finally resolved some of my financial woes and looks like my disability cheques are now finally being deposited. YEAH!! was not much fun in April or May!

Hope to be going up to visit some friends in Walkerton before the start of the next round of treatment, more just to get away for a bit and maybe have a laugh or too.

My hair was staring to grow in but now has started to fall out again! Whats up with that??? maybe it is just the peach fuzz leaving and the real hair will now grow???
Taking it one day at a time
till next time

Monday, May 21, 2007

Doing Well

after the surgery on Friday. Dr did a great job with the cautery and there was very little bleeding.
So little in fact that I got my catheter out early and got to come home a day early! Looks like I will have to have chemo for the bladder but right now I just find that to be a nuisance and am not afraid of it! Just one more hurdle to climb.

Tomorrow is my second to last chemo and I have already got my first appt for the radiation markings so things are moving right along.

Taking one day at a time!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Been Awhile

since I have posted...I am such a derelict (sp?) Surgery is booked for the 18th, luckey me! the Friday of the long weekend. They say I will be in hospital about 3 days but the Dr winked and said that I could likely get out early with homecare! LOL
Been keeping busy with gardening but a little tires me out! Have Dr appts almost every day this week but have some friends coming to visit and am looking forward to that.
Haven't heard much from the family over the pond but I know Michelle is busy with babe and toddler!
My youngest has bought a house and guess when the moving date is?................the 18th!

Been feeling okay, will be having my bloodcounts checked tomorrow. The next chemo has been pushed back a week and will be after the surgery. The chemo for the bladder will follow the first chemo.....what fun!
talk soon

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Today Nana Shirl proudly announces that she has a brand new grandbaby! No details as of yet other that it is a little girl. and Mom and Babe are happy and healthy and Dad is much more relaxed. Tomorrow was the day I was supposed to leave to go to GErmany for this baby's birth. Guess I would have missed it anyway!
Do you see mama in the little babe? I do! zero in on the chin!
Take care talk to you soon.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well I had a great time visiitng with my cousin last week.
Monday went to the urologist and he made arrangements for a cysto which I had today.
Verdict is in and I have multiple bladder tumors. Will likely be having surgery in 2 weeks if my blood count is good enough. Other than that I know nothing other than he was encouraging that it was causght early, before I had any symptoms. Was actually found by mistake so I guess that is a good thing!
I would like to wipe that smile off my face right now cause I really am not all that haoppy right now.
Extra prayers from all would be appreciated.
I suspect that this will be a whole newe round of chemo and radiation after the first set is done, but who knows what to expect...
will try and get it together and talk to you soon.