Monday, October 1, 2007

broken water heater!

of all things! Filled the tub, it was a murky yellow and only got about 2 inches before the water turned cold!!! had to heat up water to have a bath! New one coming tomorrow!

Went to see the surgeon today for follow up after having the port a cath removed. Other than a second scarring from the tapes used all is well. We talked a bit about further surgery. Originally I wanted my reconstruction ASAP, now I am starting to waver and think why not just have the other one off and be done with it. I think it is mostly fear of getting cancer in the other breast that is swaying my decision. Will be thinking long and hard about it and if I have any readers left you will likely get sick of hearing about it as I am not going to be making a snap decision.


Donna Laur-Schieck said...

Hey Shirl:
I still check your blog once in a while to see if you have given an update. Glad to see you are writing again. Think of you every day girlfriend.
Take care
Luv 2 U and Rob
Donna L.S.

Cuz Carol said...

mperialWater Heater eh, glad no flood in the basement though.

Haven't checked your site for a while I must admit.

Love ya and do think about you guys everyday.


Denise said...

Shirley I can help you with your journal today Dec 6/07. Thank you Donna for picking me up to go see Shirley today. Your daughter will be here soon Shirley. That puts a smile on your face. You still look pretty. I know you don't believe it but cancer cant take your beautiful eyes and facial features. Donna likes your teeth. You have a cute nose. Im glad you enjoyed the ice cream Donna fed you and you liked the feel of me stroking your face. We have been on such a long hard journey together haven't we. I feel so sad so sad and devistated. We have come together on such a long hard jorney. You fight so hard to stay but now my journey partner they say you must go away. I light these candles for you Shirley, my friend, my confidont, my co-worker. You never give up you fight the battle. Don't worry your daughter will be here soon. We love you Shirley.